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class schedule

January - May 2015

Monday Class Location
  9:15-10:30 am Hatha Yoga Yoga Within
  5:45-7:00 pm Hip Opener Yoga Within
  10:00-11:30 am Purna Yoga Star of the North
  10:00-11:15 am Hatha Yoga
Yoga Central
5:45-6:45 pm Restorative Yoga Within

7:00-8:15 pm Purna Yoga
Yoga Within

Star of the North Retreat Centre
3A St. Vital Ave,
St. Albert
Yoga Within
9014 75 St,
Yoga Central
5124 122 St - #104,

Class Descriptions

Purna Yoga™

Purna means 'complete' in Sanskrit and the classes are intended to nourish your whole being - body, mind, emotions and spirit. The class consists mainly of yoga postures that will increase strength, flexibility, endurance, and balance. Emphasis is placed on precision, alignment and safety of the body in the postures. Meditation is also included to calm the mind and connect to the heart center.

Hip Opener Yoga

This class is designed especially for opening the hips! The hips are able to stretch/move in 6 different ways. Class will begin with the Hip Series – a simple yet powerful sequence of stretches designed to open the hips in all 6 directions – bringing flexibility and balance to the hips. Following the Series, we will do classical yoga postures with emphasis on the hips, as well as special stretches and unique prop work to improve flexibility even more. Let’s have a little fun. Come feel the joy of free and happy hips. All levels welcome.

Restorative Yoga

This class is designed for deep relaxation. We will begin with meditation to center the mind, followed by gentle stretches and restorative postures to gently open the body and bring a sense of deep restoration. Props will be used to support the poses so that you can relax completely and open gently. Finish feeling refreshed, restored and renewed. All levels welcome.




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the Joy of Yoga . 780.909.8422 .